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Research Photography

A selection of research photography. All images are under CC BY-NC-ND license. 


Images from my trip to Poland as part of my PhD research (Introduction/Chapter 1 regarding genocide, technologies of genocide, and ideas of the human condition in Primo Levi's If This is a Man). With thanks to Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum. At the very end, there are some images from Oskar Schindler's Factory.

Area 51, America.

Miles into the Nevada desert, I visited The United States Air Force facility (Area 51).  On the way through, I travelled along the Extraterrestrial Highway (State Route 375). This was part of my work on paranoia in the USA regarding the military, it also informed the scifi work I was completing on The X-Files.


A selection of images I have used in my work on 'Future Apocalypse'. This work examines how everyday ruination can 'inform' how writers and audiences imagine apocalyse; building on the work of Derrida who speaks of the 'non-event', I speak of 'pre-events' informing the 'non-event'. In order words, how 'casual destruction', such as the ruined building, helps us imagine the non-event of nuclear war ... for example.

Nuclear images

This gallery will be filled with images I've taken from various places relating to my research on the nuclear.


The first images in this gallery are from The Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker (I was kindly extended a photography permit by Mike Parish.

My Three Mile Island images have been largely removed due to inclusion in my book (here).



High Dynamic Range (HDR)


Many of these images are experimental (and some are better classified as 'art' than strictly HDR). Most images have been manipulated for a reason to achieve a particular effect based on how it will interact with my writing/project.


I particularly like taking pictures of mannequins - an interest that developed after seeing many images from nuclear test villages. I enjoy the uncanniness of mannequins and the performance of the human they shallowly fulfill.

Some of my nuclear photography is collected at The Atomic Photographer's Guild





These images were associated with my work on ruination and urban exploration.

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