Three Mile Island
Published by Routledge June 21, 2017
This book forges links between the Three Mile Island partial meltdown event in 1979 and wider social contexts of nuclear development through navigation of primary sources, responses in popular culture, and critical scholarly work in the field. The focus of this book lingers not in the control room, but on the state of Pennsylvania, America, and the wider world. Chiefly, this book examines how the public found meaning in the Atomic Age and how this in turn influenced public perception of events such as Three Mile Island, and shaped cultural responses to them.

From atoms to anxiety, fallout to fiction, this book examines how the Three Mile Island incident of 1979 forms an integral part of post-war American cultural and nuclear discourse. With reference to Chernobyl and Fukushima

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'Haunting Clouds', in Nuclear Narratives, Alluvium, ed. by Christopher Daley (July 29, 2016)

From atoms to anxiety, fallout to fiction, this book examines how the Three Mile Island incident of 1979 forms an integral part of post-war American cultural and nuclear discourse. With reference to Chernobyl and Fukushima
Waterstones book launch, May 19, 2017 with Dr Anna Hartnell